Map of the Camino Frances

Monday, October 1, 2018

The Work of Angels Not of Men

So said King Filipe II and who are we to disagree. Burgos' cathedral is an incredible achievement, and one could spend days wandering around examining its riches, any of which could be the crown jewel in any museum anywhere. We spent three hours and came out pretty overwhelmed. Just imagine what it must have been like for a pilgrim several hundred years ago to see this grand edifice in the middle of a city of beautiful churches and towers. Of course that was the intention: to invoke awe and wonder at God's majesty that this place was built to serve.

What inspired awe and wonder in me was the speed in which it was built at a time when everything had to be hand carved and hefted into place. Originally a large but unexceptional Romanesque church, vision and enterprise changed this into one of the grandest gothic cathedrals in Europe. The first stone for this vast project was in place 1221, with the first mass given only 9 years later. The ceiling vaults were closed in 243, which means only 22 years of construction - in the 13th century!

It was added to over the following 500 years or so, with each richly carved vault, wood carving or painting or gold retablo or wrought iron gate increasing its grandeur. I think I will have the let the photos take it from here.

close up of above, every face of hundreds is differnt

exquisite tree of life, with a chaste
embrace by the Virgin Mary's
parents before the V.M. was a
twinkle in their eyes 

tapestry that lasts so many hundred years
with its colour still vibrant

demonstrative Santiago with his staff
and scallop shell

54 metre high multi-tiered vault with star-carved ceiling
like a voluptuous wedding cake

choir stall detail - carving and inlay work
and every one of all these choir stalls is different

another stunning ceiling
carved alabaster

deeply carved wood - amazing 'folds' of the fabric

amazing detail up close of a large retqablo

one of many, many ironwork gates

sad to see stone sickness due to damp conditions on this relief

a jewel box of a ceiling - an oval in a square space

a chapel without any unadorned space
End of Part 1

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