Map of the Camino Frances

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Warning - Food Porn in Burgos

The city of Burgos is famed for its regional gastronomy and we decided to do an unpilgrim thing and splash out on a proper Burgos meal in a proper Burgos restaurant.

We chose lunch at 100+ year old Casa Ojeda, on the second floor of a long thin space overlooking pretty Plaza de Calvo Sotelo, with multi-paned windows covered in carved wooden lattices and overhead beams. We knew what the locale is known for and what the restaurant is known for so we went there.

All washed down with a Castillian rose, followed by coffee and delicate lacy biscuits.
very light and delicious black pudding with roasted red peppers

Two fois gras in raspberry sauce with preserved local cherries

Roast duck so delicate it melted off the bone

Warm partridge, marinated to retain moisture and flavour

the 'house cake' - phillo pastry halved
and filled with a thick sweet cream
and a caramelized top
Martin's fingers are for scale!
white chocolate orb that, when warm dark chocolate
was poured over it, melted open to reveal
ice cream and dried fruits

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