100 km in and only one tiny blister on Martin’s little toe
due to the rubbing of the left foot little toe on to its neighbour after
scaling and descending many gravel scree Pyrenean slopes. We have a whole medical kit of foot – related
remedies, from band aids, glide, diaper cream, breathable tape, bandages and Compeed.
had never heard of Compeed before but the internet is alive with its wonders.
Unavailable in North America, it is a breathable band-aid with a cushion of
gel. Many pilgrims swear by it. We also
used the recommended method of draining a blister without bursting it which
requires a needle and thread. Thread a needle and insert it into the blister.
Let the needle and thread soak up the fluid by osmosis. No pain! Then protect the
blister with tape. So far so good.
Step 1. Drain |
Step 2. Wrap a bit of a hash on the first attempt |
Step 3. A little bit of preemptive wrapping never hurt anyone |
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