Map of the Camino Frances

Saturday, September 8, 2018


These are our feet before the Camino.

The internet is full of horror stories about blisters and the possible need for hospitalization.

This is how we prepared....

1. Good news: Bought new hiking boots and wore them in. Bad news: only wore them for 10km max walking on flat Vancouver pavements without a day pack. 7/10

2. Good news: have watched YouTube video on taping feet to prevent blisters. Bad news: video emphasized need to tape whole foot by making a shoe out of tape which freaked me out as akin to Japanese foot binding I know nothing about but looms in my mind as horrible thing I don't want to think about #642

3. Good news: bought foot tape

4. Good news: have thick creamy goop for rubbing on areas of feet that start to rub. Bad news: it is 10 year old diaper/nappy cream I used for reducing thigh burn when running marathons all those years ago. Good news: Waste not want not!
[editor's note: Jennifer has an excellent runner's glide stick you can use Martin and no, she doesn't really want to borrow any of your 10 year old diaper cream]

4. Bad news: have been overthinking feet such that they never feel comfortable in hiking boots when thinking about whether they feel comfortable in hiking boots. Good news: feet feel perfectly fine in hiking boots when not thinking about them feeling comfortable in hiking boots. Bad news: feet feel a bit stressed right now as I am thinking about them.  The fact that they are bare and non load bearing at this very instant seems to have no effect on my relationship with them or boots.

5. Good news: we start walking tomorrow. Bad news: Sorry, feet, for all that is to come.

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